angie meditating mindfulness australia

 What is Meditation?


Whether you’re in the spiritual camp, scientific camp or float somewhere in between…

You already have all of the magic within. 

Meditation enables you to unlock your inner stillness and allows your mind to traverse to a higher field of awareness.

As human-beings, we are overworked, tired and incredibly stressed for most of our waking hours. Whilst we may dedicate the time to move our bodies, whilst this is an incredibly positive physical release, the mind, however, rarely gets the opportunity to exercise in the same positive way.

Our mind is just like the muscles in our bodies, it too, needs to exercise and be challenged in order to grow.

Meditation and Mindfulness is the Yin to the daily stressors Yang. 

Meditating helps to enrich your life experience.

It keeps your mind determined and focused, brings you in to the present moment, and, helps you navigate life’s unpredictable situations in a more positive manner.

Meditation can help with relaxation and becoming less reactive to situations. With consistency, compassion and an open mind, meditation can teach you to concentrate, raise your emotional intelligence, confidence, and, overall wellbeing.

Studies are showing increasingly positive results  associated with cardiovascular disease, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, poor memory, anxiety and depression.

It is learning to expect nothing but being open to everything. 

Interested in the science behind meditation and mindfulness?

Check out this video about the remarkable brainwaves of high level meditators, and The science of meditation

Interested in taking a class?

Meditate with me here!

Or download the Meditation Series and practise in your own time!