10 ways to kick iso's butt!

1. Be mindful of time spent reading news and scanning social media.

This is a particularly challenging one for many, especially since many of us are self-isolating and are unsure of what to do with our time. However, see if you can draw increased mindfulness to your time spent online mindlessly scrolling. Take mini pauses to inquire: Is what I am engaging with fuelling fear or peace? Hint: Choose Peace (better for the brain and body!) 

2. Consider ways of supporting your community connection.

One thing we can be thankful for during this difficult time is the diversity of ways we can connect with others (yes, the internet and associated technologies are a double-edged sword). Check in with your friends and family members via phone or video calls. Have virtual dinner dates with those you care about. If you have family and friends overseas, now is especially a great time to pick up the phone and facetime. Utilise whatsapp, facebook, google hangouts - there are a myriad of platforms available right at our fingertips!

3. Self-inquire: What opportunities might this time be presenting?

As we all have additional quiet time at home these days, consider what buried passions or curiosities might yearn to be explored. This is a great time for at-home learning, creative expression, and mindful contemplation. Consider any online courses, books, or other resources that can support you. Now is a wonderful time to hone your skills, learn a language, Duolingo app might help, create a watercolour painting via Skillshare - The online world is alive with content!

4. Create a schedule, have a shower, get dressed, brush your teeth. 

This sounds boring, but sticking to an element of a routine will help you stay motivated and focused. It will be a little bit of 'normal' in this hugely abnormal time. Carve out a time to move, to mediate, to eat, or to learn a new skill, study, cook or clean. Keep your mind active. 

5. Keep Moving

It might feel like your energy levels are lower than usual as you are confined to a smaller space than you might be used to. And, whilst the couch can seem like the best place to spend the next little while whilst we figure out what is going on, get your energy flowing with some movement!
There is more content online now than ever before, choose movement that speaks to you, perhaps yoga, maybe High Intensity Interval Training, or try something entirely new.
A healthy body is a healthy mind. 

6. Get Grounded

If you have the option, head outside and take off your socks and shoes. Ground your feet into the grass or soil, and take a deep breath. If you are living in an apartment, get yourself a plant, tend to it, water it, talk to it. it might sound weird, but they hear us! Connect to nature as best as you can during this time. 

7. Nourish your body with food 

It is enticing to sit on the couch and eat comfort foods, think refined, high fat, convenience foods. Whilst in that moment it may feel comforting, days on end of this will lead to feeling sluggish and tired. Try to switch to healthier options when shopping. Peruse the health food aisle and see what you can swap out, choose less refined sugar. High Fibre and Low GI. Now might be a time to get creative in the kitchen, again, there are tonnes of incredible resources online that have some fantastic easy to make, nutritious meals. Thug Kitchen is one of my go to sites for easy and nutritious recipe inspo. 

8. Find stillness of the mind with Meditation and Mindfulness

3 deep breaths or 300 deep breaths, just take a pause throughout your day. Our brains are in overdrive right now trying to navigate all of these unprecedented moments. Never meditated before? Give my Breath Series a go - Type in the code FEELFREE to access it for free!

9. Listen to Music

Explore new music, jump on Youtube or Spotify, swap playlists with friends, listen to something you normally wouldn't - Metal head? Listen to classical instrumental music. Is Pop more your jam? Give Post-Hardcore a spin. Mix things up, move out of your usual comfort zone, you might get inspired in an unusual space that you may not have previously explored. 

10. Explore the world with 360 degree galleries.

Google Arts and Culture is phenomenal, it allows you to explore the world from the comfort of your couch! I have been hanging out in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, it is particularly spectacular.